Blood/Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) Software Pre-Transplant…

EDITLife BMT software ensures that no task - and no patient - falls through the cracks.
Advanced tools specifically designed to enhance the BMT pre-transplant workflow include the Co-Morbidity Index, Donor Selection List, Selection Conference Tool, and the BMT Scheduler/Calendar.
Co-Morbidity Index

Better understand the pre-transplant comorbidities that could lead to post-transplant complications.


The HCT-Comorbidity Index automatically calculates an Index Score based on your patient’s Medical, Cardiovascular, and Psychiatric conditions, as well as prior preventive maintenance, malignancies, and surgeries.  A summary of problems and complications is provided along with the pertinent negatives.

Donor Selection List

Right data, right place, right now. The data you need to confidently select the best donor is in one place.


An auto-generated table provides a precise comparison of your recipient and any number of related/unrelated donors and/or cord units on risk factors that include Demographics, Vitals, ABO, CMV, Serologic and Molecular HLA, and DSA. Mismatches are highlighted. making it even easier to make choose the actual and 1st backup donors.

Selection Conference Tool

Better organize your Selection Conferences! Find all the data you need where it needs to be… at your fingertips.


An integrated conference calendar lets you see at a glance the meeting details (facility, room, start/end dates and times). A Selection Conference report for each patient being reviewed is automatically produced, with links to the patient record for digging deeper. EDITLife also documents the decision, reasons, attendees, and a physician signature in a note that can be sent to your EHR.

BMT Calendar

If overbooking patients during preparation for infusion is an issue, EDITLife’s BMT Scheduler and Conditioning Calendar are the solution.


As soon as you choose a conditioning regimen, the BMT Calendar alerts you of resource conflicts and, if necessary, provides the next best date for infusion. Quickly visualize when patients are scheduled for each step in the process – by patient, day, week, or month with the auto-updated Calendar.

BMT Software

One Sweet Suite

A series of interconnected screens that ``talk`` to each other.

EDITLife’s Cell Therapy BMT Collection and Processing Suite is a series of interconnected screens that take you from planning and documenting the infusion process through selecting the product to infuse.

Data that you enter on one screen updates the rest of the suite – e.g., a bag selected for a boost is automatically removed from Inventory. You can toggle between the donor and recipient and visualize lab results in tables and graphs. Sweet!

Read Our Whitepaper:

The Power of Integrating Cell Therapy Clinics and Stem Cell Processing Labs

Discover how EDITLife’s single, centralized platform improves communication, planning, scheduling, and more.

Get Integrated!

… and BMT Software Post-BMT

3 Innovative Tools for Managing Post-BMT

The key to a successful transplant is the effective management of complications.
EDITLife BMT determines engraftment, tracks disease status, and monitors Engraftment Syndrome and GVHD to support patients post-transplant.

Save valuable time and eliminate mistakes often made when manually determining engraftment dates.

EDITLife accurately assesses the dates when engraftment (ANC, ALC, and Platelets) occurs, while allowing clinicians to make revisions based on clinical judgement. Clinicians can very easily monitor rashes, fevers, and other indications of Engraftment Syndrome.


Spend countless hours digging through spreadsheets, databases, and sticky notes to track your patient's condition... or let EDITLife do it for you!

EDITLife makes it easy to collect, effectively analyze and understand the data needed to monitor the primary diagnosis and other problems. The automated system pulls together on one screen current and prior treatments, procedures, and status changes for informed decision making and improving outcomes.


Talk about a huge time saver! The GVHD tool allows you to streamline the GVHD data entry process and put your assessment data to work.

EDITLife provides a consistent way to evaluate Acute and Chronic GVHD to establish a baseline, detect subtle manifestations, and refer for early treatment. Displaying data from prior forms, auto-populating data across screens, and auto-calculations - e.g., BSA skin rash - are just a few ways the EDITLife GVHD tool saves you valuable time.

Everything you need to complete and electronically submit CIBMTR forms.

EDITLife handles CIBMTR form submission better than any other system on the market.

Tracks and alerts you of forms due for each patient (and when)

Pulls data from throughout the application to auto-populate forms

Provides links for entering missing data

Validates forms and provides messages for correcting errors

Provides a history of forms along with Status

The EDITLife team works closely

with CIBMTR to keep forms current

and electronically submits all CIBMTR-supported forms.

Check out EDITLife BMT today!
See how EDITLife streamlines pre/post-infusion and simplifies CIBMTR reporting.